• 11 April 2019, Thursday
  • Saint-Petersburg, Moskovsky Prospekt 97А, St.Petersburg, 196084, Russia (Moskovskye Vorota metro station) Moskovsky Congress Hall (1st floor)

BIM in practice 2019

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1848 дней назад
11 April 2019, начало в 9:00
Moskovsky Prospekt 97А, St.Petersburg, 196084, Russia (Moskovskye Vorota metro station) Moskovsky Congress Hall (1st floor)

7th Annual International Conference of PSS GRAITEC for development, design, construction, investment companies and examination bodies

PSS Graitec, the organizer of the Conference, has made a slogan of 2019 year Conference "Through difficulties to the Stars". This year we decided to discuss different difficulties and challenges which may arise for businesses during implementation and usage of information modeling technology (BIM). Speakers of the Conference will dedicate on practical application of the technology and present to the audience cases how BIM actually works in various investment and construction projects. It will be open and honest conversation warts-and-all: no embellishments, no concealing issues. And we invite all of those who are looking for the new opportunities to improve their business in the current economical situation.


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